Sunday, May 30, 2010


My blood type is O Negative,and is been calling Universe Type. O is most compatible with O, and AB.

Type Os:
Are outgoing, and very social. They are initiators, although they don't always finish what they start.
They are creative and popular, they don't love to be the center of the attention and
appear very self confident.

I don't think, I match with my type of blood.
I am easygoing person and social, but when ever I start something I done whit it.
I love to be the center of the attention, I love to challenging my self
nothing scare me and I don't know why but I am popular I fell that way.
I am very confident so you can trust on me. I am very creative that's right I am interested in crafts, take out all my ideas.

Mi zodiacal say I am fire sign, optimist, spontaneous, and philosophic.
Also I am strong personality means if I decide to do something I keep it focus to complete and keep going to the next step.
I am exited person with everything around my life,
I enjoy so much have a lot friends, even when they are from different
nationalities its very interesting, talk about our cultures.
So now I know its not true your personality it have to be with you type of blood.
That is only a mhyt.

Friday, May 21, 2010


Letter to the President Obama

I am an immigrant from Mexico. I have lived in the US 16 years.
I am a full time ESL student at Renton Technical College.
I hope one day top get a degree.
My dream is to be a Citizen.
I love America because of freedom.
I came to America to have better oportunity to study and live.
I am writing to ask you to support immigration reform.
Immogrants are what this country is made of.
We need reform to allow the immigrants who are living inthe US to be able to live here in peace, and to have a reasonable pathway to becoming citizens.
I am glad that Seattle is a santuary city for immigrants. But the need for a better pathway to citizenship still remains.
This is an issue that needs to be adressed immidiately .
I hope very much that attention is paid to this matter.
I- and over 12 millions other imigrants- will be very grateful to you for taking concrete steps towards immigration reform.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Why I want to get a GED?

1.- First because I like to challenging my self.
2.- And I want to have better education for future life.
3.- But the biggest interesting to speak very fluent English.

My dream job.

1.- If I have the possibility it will be chef or craft person.
2.- My dream is be a professional chef and use all the skills I've been hiding for a long time.
3.- I can be in the kitchen all day long and I don't get born or tired, like most people do.

Education in the US.

1.- I think United States it is one the biggest countries with very good education programs.
2.- And also government has a lot help for people who is low income.
3.- The other good thing is computer programs, it will be the future jobs and a lot people still don't know about computers skills.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


My Favorite place is my house.

First of all, it is huge, quite and nice.
The tree bedroom, and large yard invite me to do it something-
Secondly the beautiful garden it's the best place to rest and relax.
If I fell stress or tired, with just spend short time it makes me-
fell better and forget I am stress.
Finally there is the best place I never been lived.


My favorite dessert is chocolate cake.

First of all, it is lovely to see it.
The creamy and chunky dark chocolaate, adorned with coconut flakes.

Secondaly the real taste of Chocolate it is the best in the world.
Soft and creamy, melts on my lips, without resistance and tell me, eat
me everytime I see it.

Finally there is the best taste I never had.
With very strong flavor of cocoa, who needs Apple Pie when is Chocolate cake.