Monday, July 5, 2010


Hi I want to talk about my experiences, of life in America since I came from my country Mexico.
I am an immigrant. I came to the United States 16 years ago I was younger and life was less hard than today.
My first place where I was lived is Los Angeles, California.
I remember I cried for about 1 long year. Because I was missing my family so much.
But I was thought it is for a good thing.

My first job was babysitter, I started getting money, and helping my family in Mexico.
Which was my goal when I desired came to this country.
It was very sad and difficult for me living with out my family.
But the worst thing was the language, to communicate with anything you need to do it.
It's true it is the country of "The opportunities" but you suffer, have been far away from your family and friends too.

Pretty much you have to start complete new life.
The best thing,have been living in this country is, I have better economy life and I had been learning English too.
The other "worst" thing it is you have to pay for everything for example: Insurance, rent, electric bill etc...
But I am lucky to have been living in this country.
Now I understand, anything or any where you going you have to challenging your self and keep focused with your goals.

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