Friday, July 30, 2010



First of all, I will be probably less overweight than today, I am on a diet right now, and I also doing more exercise. Because I know it will be better for my health.
My reason number one, to loose weight is to be pregnant.
I am very interested in having a baby.
At least one, especially because life right now, is too expensive and difficult,
and you need to spend time and give a lot love.
I am almost forty years old, but I think it is the perfect time to be a "MOM".
I feel ready for that. And we also planning to going back to Mexico, to visit and spend some time with my parents and my mother- in- law.
And have time for myself and for my husband too. We are in the process to buy our own house, so probably it will be a perfect time for that.
But, we don't want to stay that much long, just enough time.
Because we will back to the U S A and continuing with our normal life.


I may be working so hard, to pay my school, and maybe for a while.
And my other reason is, as soon as I get a degree, I am going to open my own business.
It is my goal number two, I hope it comes true.
I know it will be hard to save that much money and keep it, for my dream;
to "have my own restaurant" .
I know it is not going to be easy, but I am going to be focused.
It will be near the beach.
I am going to add in the menu " Mexican food " but my main idea is to sell seafood.
I know in fact it will be a very big investment ( about money )
and probably a lot time too.
But, I will be very happy when my restaurant gets ready.


Well right now, I am studying ESL and I am in level six;
my goal is to get a degree or graduate.
However, I think the best level of education you have, it will be good for future; "including personal and occupational". I wish to one day become a professional chef, but for the moment I want to keep with the ESL classes.
Also I am interested in studying " Culinary Arts", and " Baking Arts" too.
I choose this degree because, I love to be in the kitchen all day long,
and I didn't get tired or born.
That's right I would like to study about "Food Arts".
But, I didn't want to drop my ESL classes; it is very important to me to
learn the language, it is my "personal challenge": To speak fluent English.
In general it is my biggets reason.
Wherever I want to do in this country, now or in the future, I have to speak English.
And I want to do it very well.


  1. Hey Martha,
    Very soon you are going to start writing a book!

  2. Hello Martha!

    Dreams like these will fill up your life quite nicely! Good luck achieving them and if you go back to Mexico, don't forget to stay in touch with your friends back in the US!

