Thursday, June 17, 2010


I have been missing many members of my family. My dad has 4 brothers and 1 sister.
My aunt has 5 children, 3 boys and 2 girls. 2 months ago her older son was involve in car accident.
He survive from the accident, but when he was in the hospital he suffer heart attack
and he died instantly.
My auntie was very sad and the whole family too, he left 4 children and his wife.
My dad and all his brothers took a decision.
To sent my aunt to travel, it was catholic short vacations. She agree but when she was there,
she wasn't happy she was all the time sad and cried so much.
And during the first days everything was normal, but the third day we got an other bad news.

Her youngest son was died too. He suffer fulminate stroke;
they try it to reviver him but was impossible he was dead already.
Now we have to figure out how to tell my aunt.
About her other son was death, nobody wants to do it but we have to.
It was very sad, hard, sadly, painful but finally they did it. (my dad, my uncle and her other son)
My mom said parents never wait to see our own kids die,
we thing kids have to feel that pain.
Now my auntie is on very bad depress she cried all the time, she still can't believe
it in less then 3 months she lost 2 sons.

My whole family is devastate, we try to forget and keep going with our normal life.
But on Saturday afternoon we got an other bad news; this happen in California.

My cousin Alida was died in the morning,
when she was brushed her teeth.
She started cuffing too strong and she felt, they called to the emergency line (911)
and they took her to the hospital. But the doctors said it was late.
She was dead already, she died at the moment she felt, she suffer fulminate brain stroke,
this is very painful for me. Because, she was the first person helped me on my first year in the U S.
She was very nice person, very happiness girl and also very active person
We used to called her: "mother of the immigrants".

She was very helpful for each people we came from Mexico, we out money, work, place to live or even family I really miss her.
I know when somebody die is nothing you can do it. All I been doing for her is pray
and ask God why good people die? Why in general we have to die, I am sad and depress
I try no to, but is so hard.
Sorry Liz I didn't do it any homework. Because I am not inspired.
I am writing right now because it really help me to take out all my sadness and pain...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Martha. This is incredibly sad - they say that life is stranger than fiction. It really is. So unfair, so delicate - so easily taken away. I am sorry for all of these losses. I remember when you wrote about your cousin before.
    Take a deep breath. The best thing you can do is to honor the memory of someone special by being the way they would want you to be. And to continue the goodwill that they promoted in the world. You can honor her by carrying her torch of kindness. (I think you already do that....but you can do it with her in your heart.)
