Wednesday, November 17, 2010


To: General Manager

Dear John Smith, My name is Martex and I am the perfect Chef do you have looking for.
I should be hired, because: I have experience for over 20 years working as a
professional Chef, at different kind of restaurants and Hotels.
Cooking has been one of my main interested. I graduate of Renton Technical College.
I enrolled in the School's Professional Chef's program and earned my diploma
in the Culinary Arts, with honors.

"CREATIVE" For example: Today I love to Create new recipes, and I also enjoy
cooking without recipes sometimes. I use whatever ingredients I have, and I create something new.
Most of the times I named the new recipes under my boos name.

Example: I have been working on my way as a dishwasher,waitress, busgirl,
bartender, and manager too, all while gaining valuable experience about
Culinary Arts, I also have experience as a chef cooking,
dishes from other countries wich is one of my strongest skills.

Example: Worked part-time at the school, where I graduate from.
Teaching and assisting the staff of the chef instructor, in the Food Basics
section of the Professional Programs. And helping the new students without
experience, to have a good career. Choosing a career takes time and effort.

"ORGANIZED, RESPONSIBLE,FLEXIBLE". Example: I always keep my work spot
clean, and organized I also like to have the menu ready for the next week on
the roll. Everything stock and put away all the tools we used during
busy hours. I try to show up on time on my schedule hours, I don't mind if
I have to work overtime, or on weekends, holidays. I consider myself honest
and confident. I like my present job. But I'm looking for more of a
challenge-a position where I can use my knowledge as well as my interpersonal

I look forward, for your answer and we can meet in person and discuss this soon.

Thank You Sincerely,

Martex Foundiew.

Friday, November 5, 2010



Students will attend class on time, also turn in homework all the me.

Classes could be more interesting for students.

It would increase student interest in success.

Students workload could be constantly monitored by professors and has to be

expressed in discussions.

Discussions list that can be used to ask questions and share ideas.


Students will be more interested and have more responsibilities in done with all


Schools will have better students even on Basics Studies.

Students will feel like they are getting something for their money.

The scope of Basics Studies in the major subject is 25 ECTS credits.

Students will be successful in GED preparation; in work readiness programs, and in

post-secondary education and training.

Should be smaller class sizes, and get more individual attention from our professors.

Will be easier for students to participate in class discussions.

Society should be more involve in education.


It could be better test results.

Students will have more of a sense of responsibility.

Schools also will have more profit, and those utilities can be use for better


Students are challenge to do the kind of thoughtful and interesting work expected in

a slower pace and with additional support.

In traditional courses, academic credit and grades are assigned based on students

demonstration of academic learning as measured by the instructor.

Students will success in society, in school and learning, in developing intelligence,

and in life too.

In conclusion I can say it will be good idea to have credits for Basics Studies...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


How much should people watch it? Kids should be limited?

TV is one of the most prevalent media influences in kids' lives.

On children depends on many factors for example: how much they watch, their age

and personality, whether they watch alone or with adults, and whether their parents

talk with them about what they see on TV.

To minimize the potential negative effects of television, it's important to

understand what the impact of television can be children.

Below you will find information on some areas of concern. TV has violent

programming affects children and young people.

Watching TV is an experience shared by most adults and children.

It is cheap, appealing, and within the reach of the general public. In this way,

TV has become an important mass media around the world, but sadly this resource

isn't used in a way that people could get the best possible benefits from it.

The first reason why people shouldn't watch to much television is; because the

content of many TV programs is not educational. Nowadays, we can see movies,

series, and shows that present scenes of violence, sex, and drugs too.

This has established wrong concepts among the audience that influence them

in to having a negative behaviour.

Moreover, the impact of this tendency has on children is worse, because they grow

up with the idea of a world where problems can only be solved with money and

violence, and where wars are inevitable. An other reason that people shouldn't

watch TV is, because it makes people waste time that could be used in more

beneficial activities.

For example: exercise, reading, activities that are good for a healthy lifestyle.

In fact watching TV for long periods of time has negative effect over the intelectual

development of children and leads to deterioration of the mental capacity in older

people by causing both attention and memory problems in the long term.

In conclution, people shouldn't watch too much television, because the content of

many programs are not educational, it makes people waste time that can be used in

more beneficial activities.

However, this doesn't mean that we shouldn't avoid , but we should do it with

moderation TV is a resource that we can choose the right program for our own active

life and critical attitude towards it.