Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I am so happy to be a women, but there are so many things to do I am disappointed.
For example: men have to work hard, but we have to work hard too, but unlike them,
our work doesn't stop when we get home.
We have to cook, clean and also take care of children.
Most of the times women have do everything. And when the men get home, they are "tired, and hungry", they don't even ask, "How are you honey?, and how my children doing?", it is anything do I can help you with"?. For instance they ask what do you do all day?. That's no fair; they not even noticed our house is clean, dinner ready, children and mom waiting for him with a beautiful smile. But daddy is not happy!!!, and he doesn't want anyone to "disturb him", he wants to rest and relax, and of course he needs the TV control.

And I ask myself, "Who thinks about mom?", is she tired?, who cares about her?.
Will somebody help her?, or is she a superhuman!, whoever gets tired?.
I wish one day men could stay home, and do all mommy's job, at least one day, and see if it is simple, and easy to do it by themselves.
And after that they may value mommy's effort.
In fact man don't like to do that kind of things, they hate to do it, I can say most of them hate it.

I have been asking to my family man, what do they like?. And what do they hate? to be a men, and they said; First they like we cook for them, we clean too. Their so proud to be a men because; we were been doing everything for them for many many years.
And they said it is not enough, we should work for them too, and pay everything.
(I prefer not to do any "comments") They made me got really angry!!!
But, however I love to be a women even with all those negatives "things and reasons".(If we can call that) Most of my life I have been admired, all women in the world.
In particular, those women who were suffered domestic violence.
They are strongest, and they faith for our rights. Also they protect them children, and give battle to bad things can happen to them.

I am so proud to be a woman, even when a men think, we born to serve them. I love cook, clean, and take care of anything about my house and, to my husband too. Because he is with different thoughts. He grew up with single MOM.
Who had feed 7 children by herself, so he knows how hard women work, and he really appreciates, and admire his MOM.
So in fact, my husband know women is the "best in the world", he respects every single women, and values the effort from his mom. That's right I love my husband he has beautiful feelings about "WOMEN".
It is the result of having of wonderful MOM.
I ask myself why it is only one day to celebrate "Mothers day"?, we should celebrate and to thank every single day....