Friday, April 23, 2010

"Busy Week"

I been very busy all this week. I am student at Lake Washington Technical College.
I have classes two days for week. But I have a lot homework to do.
I like that but is kind of tie for me. And my other problem is I have additional class on Fridays, at Renton Technical College.
Is been so tie for me, to have both classes. Course I'm enjoying, is my goal to one day graduate.

I really want to improve my English, I still have problems with punctuation, vocabulary, writing, spilling and course speaking.
But I know one day I will speak very fluent English it is my biggest goal.
That's right I will keep going with the plans I have.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

"New Blog"

Hello everyone, I just made my new blog, was very interesting follow step by step. I was kind of nervous because is been so long, since we maded the first one with Liz.
Like year a go and I wasn't sure if I can do it by my self.
But I am surprise my self I did it, maybe is not big deal for other people.
But it was for me.

Well this weekend is been very busy for me, started on last Friday after I got off from school I went visited the place, I just to worked. My friends and my ex-boss were there. It was very weird been on that place with out uniform I used to whore, but the soon I looked to my friends working; I was felt kind of familiar from that place.
It was very nice and fun to see it all of them again.
I also went to visited my neighbor from the place I was living. My neighbor name is Rosie, she is very nice and friendly. I spent around 2 hrs over her place with all her family, she has two children boy and a girl.

She cooked for me, I was very surprise for that. But she made me happy.
Food was very good. ( Enchiladas )...
After I ate I went back home. Was very tired ready to go the bed.

Saturday I went back to Renton again, to do my nails and my hair.
It was very fun because I saw many friends I wasn't see it for a while.
After Marisol done my hair we went to the mall with 2 of my friends.
I told one of them I was looking for a housewares and we went to Macy's store. And were looked out for it, but I found one was very expensive. So we went to Penney's and check out for prices and quality.

It was so hard and difficult to decide which one, their was so many choices. And finally I decide it for a 10 pieces cookware, I spent a lot money but I bought what I was looking for. Was a long day, I was ready to going the bed.

On Sunday I woke up very early to going to the church, it was my niece Kelly's first communion she is 7 years old. She was wearing beautiful white dress, we took a lot pictures to her and the whole family.

After that we went to very nice Chinese restaurant buffet. Oh my we ate a lot!!!
We desired going to place for a walk, we went to wonderful park which is situate at Kirkland city. The park has a huge walk trail and also big area for children to play
it was so fun day. This park is been Juanita's area, I never been there before I will be back sooner, is so beautiful and nice, perfect for rest.

Finally we back home I was so excited to talk to my husband about it.
It is very important to have this kind of days and precious moments with your family
once in a while it makes a lot difference to your life. I really like to do it reach my soul, and make me happy. You should do it too.