Wednesday, October 20, 2010


In my experience, immigrants help each other whenever we can!!!!!

I'm complete agree about this point, I am immigrant too, and I have very good

experiences more than bad ones.

I came to the U.S. 16 years ago for vacations and, to meet some of my family I didn't

see it for a long time. I was very surprise when my family came to airport to-

pick me up, my cousins, nieces some of them don't know me only by pictures.

Brought me some presents; like flowers, animal stuff and welcome cards, that made

turned on tears. So I was very happy and thinking that my stay in the U. S. will be

very good experience. (was UNFORGETTABLE day)

I have to be honest myself and said, all this time I have been living in the U. S.,

I did help immigrants and vice versa. For example: I remember the first time do I

have to aboard in the bus, but I didn't have idea how to do it and a very good

person, came to me and asked if I need any help?, and I told him yes; this is my

first time and I have no idea how? he told me don't worry I will teach you.

He explain me everything about routes I supposed to take. I couldn't forgot that

day. Been an immigrant is not barrier as long as we can help each other. We have to

help each other out, because sometimes we can't do it by our self.

I always willing to lend a helping hand to help each other succeed, I remember five

years ago I used to go to beauty school, but for some reason I never graduate.

I quit, but during those classes I met a very good girlfriend who followed her

dreams (graduate from beauty school). She is very positive person, I remember she

used to told me Martha; you have to be sure what exactly do you want for your

future don't expend your time for nothing, if you don't like this profession

look for something, that can be very interesting for your self. ( I think she was

right, because I quit) When were used to talk I told her, that she needs to learn

English too at the same time, because you will need it for your profession and,

because this is America; where English is spoken...

I want to say I am so proud about her, because after she got graduate she started

working for somebody else, but she was saving money to have her own place. Two

years later finally she opened her own business.

And now she has five different places; I still can't believed.

Now, when I talk to her, she say Martha you shouldn't quit, (I am thinking she was

right about me) that I didn't like her profession, but I'm follow her advice

too and, I'm sure I will be succeed like her, because now she is a good example for

me. We can work together to solve problems, find each other after drastic changes

in our lives, works here and the extent they're willing to whatever come.

We don't give up on each other. Making new friends, laughing, learning and creating

better forms of life.

Being human is helping other people, for our own richness; share our sadness, in

this way, we can hope to see as many people as possible together and overcome.

However, focusing on helping others feel good is actually a wonderful way!!!!

When you help other people get better, you naturally and automatically learn the way

to enrich your spiritual health, growth and development our sensibility of feelings.


  1. Hi Martha -
    I can see you are making efforts to make your writing more standardized - GOOD JOB working on that. I am not going to worry about the small grammar points and focus on the organizational points which I think will help you in GED studies: Please cut and paste this into a new post to make the changes, that way we can compare the two drafts later.
    I would say you should CUT the paragraph about working for that family (from "after a while" to "right now." Why? It wasn't an immigrant experience; it is a wonderful aspect of your life, but belongs in a different essay.
    ENDING: Can you think of an example of how you have helped someone else to put after I'm always willing to lend a helping hand to help others succeed. For example......
    Then, I think the message at the end can be condensed more; you've got 4 short paragraphs; can you shorten and cut the information into one paragraph?
    I'll look forward to seeing the rewrite!

  2. WOW - You really changed it. It is more focused on the topic now - much better. Your friend sounds pretty amazing!! It is incredible what people can do if they are determined. Keep moving forward.....
