Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"Something I really hate" "My Pet Peeve"

Most of my life I'm very easy going person, but something I really hate is when I have to go to buy groceries at Wal-mart store.
And I have to look for parking, but you have to do it many rounds to look for it; that really makes crazy. And when you finally find one somebody else take it from you.

An other thing it really irritate me is inside the store, it is so hard to walk and look for your needs. Too many people walking around from every where that's really crazy.
And finally when you done shopping, you have to make line to pay too, long long lines. It drives nuts, it really does.

Also when I am at home with my husband, and I'm cooking I call him dinner is ready
but he ignores me. He doesn't even hearing when I am calling him, because he is watching T.V he couldn't hear.
I have to go on from of him, so he can see me and know that I have been calling him.

My other worst pet peeve is when I have to visit friends or family and I have to go the bathroom. But oh, surprise! The toilet seat has been left up, and I get to look at the splashes that were left on the rim I really hate that; it would be such a simple thing to put the seat down. what are the men thinking? Is it too hard to do this?

That's right I didn't like to going to the bathroom to any other place beside my house.
I think it is my number one pet peeve.
Now talking about it I knew I have more pet peeves but I try not to affect in my life.


  1. Hello Cecy!
    Thanks for leaving a comment at my blog! I left a response for you there about Liz's presentation about blogging with students to help them with English, computer use and confidence! About 50 teachers stayed for her presentation. Liz thinks that she might have met your fried. I met some people from Lake Washington, but not her.
    I would have never guessed that you have pet peeves! You seem so easy going and ready to share a laugh! You really do a good job of concealing those negative feelings, but don't keep them bottled up forever, it could be bad for your health!

    See you soon!


  2. I agree - especially about the last one! Good job getting this written up, Martha.
    A few changes -
    makes me crazy
    it drives me nuts, it really does
    he ignores me
    see me and know that
    But oh, what a surprise! The toilet seat has been left up, and I get to look at the splashes that were left on the rim. I really hate that; it would be such a simple thing to put the seat down.
    What are men thinking? Is it too hard to do this?
