Sunday, July 11, 2010



I am so happy to be back in summer class.
Learning English it has been the most important goal, for the last 5 years of my life.
Which is not easy, very difficult Language and so hard to learn. Well it is for me,
now I fell more comfortable now I could say I speak approximately 70% of the language.

But I remember my first year; it was terrible, I just to speak very little for example:
The apple, The window, the door,etc..
Which was nothing, mi first job was taking care of two children and it was very difficult for me understand a single word.

I did that for about 6 years and I learned a lot working with the children.
But it was very bad experience with out knowledge of the language.
I suffered a lot for about 2 years. But I promised myself I would learn the language. It has been so hard, because you have to work and study at the same time to have enough money for your needs and survive.

To live in this country, you pay the price, it's not the same as when lived in your country. Here you have to pay electric bills, phone, water and course rent. The otherwise you are out off the place you are living.
But besides that is very interesting, if you keep focused on what you want to learn and what you want to be in the future.
Right now I am very proud myself because, I have been learning a lot even with all those difficulties and challenges.


  1. EXCELLENT post, Martha. This is going to be a great quarter. Your writing is progessing - the sentences are a better length, and spelling is much improved. Don't use too many commas, and watch your verb tenses. A few changes:
    First sentence: use "has been", use "for" or "during" instead of "in the last 5 years"
    easy: it is a
    now I feel
    like - about or approximately (like is for spoken English)
    year: It was terrible.
    I could only say a few things, for example,
    In other words, nothing. My first job was taking care of two children, and....
    learned a lot working with the children
    I suffered a lot
    promised myself I would learn
    But it has been so hard, because
    it's not the same as when you lived in your country
    Here you have to pay electric bills, hone, water and of course rent. Otherwise, you....
    But besides that
    myself (one word)
    difficulties and challenges

  2. Hi Martha!

    What a great attitude! Everything you said makes me think about when I lived in Japan. How hard it was at first -- Hard, but challenging in a constructive and interesting way. You've got really good communication skills and your blog is interesting to read, too! (I also like your background, btw...)
