Friday, July 30, 2010



First of all, I will be probably less overweight than today, I am on a diet right now, and I also doing more exercise. Because I know it will be better for my health.
My reason number one, to loose weight is to be pregnant.
I am very interested in having a baby.
At least one, especially because life right now, is too expensive and difficult,
and you need to spend time and give a lot love.
I am almost forty years old, but I think it is the perfect time to be a "MOM".
I feel ready for that. And we also planning to going back to Mexico, to visit and spend some time with my parents and my mother- in- law.
And have time for myself and for my husband too. We are in the process to buy our own house, so probably it will be a perfect time for that.
But, we don't want to stay that much long, just enough time.
Because we will back to the U S A and continuing with our normal life.


I may be working so hard, to pay my school, and maybe for a while.
And my other reason is, as soon as I get a degree, I am going to open my own business.
It is my goal number two, I hope it comes true.
I know it will be hard to save that much money and keep it, for my dream;
to "have my own restaurant" .
I know it is not going to be easy, but I am going to be focused.
It will be near the beach.
I am going to add in the menu " Mexican food " but my main idea is to sell seafood.
I know in fact it will be a very big investment ( about money )
and probably a lot time too.
But, I will be very happy when my restaurant gets ready.


Well right now, I am studying ESL and I am in level six;
my goal is to get a degree or graduate.
However, I think the best level of education you have, it will be good for future; "including personal and occupational". I wish to one day become a professional chef, but for the moment I want to keep with the ESL classes.
Also I am interested in studying " Culinary Arts", and " Baking Arts" too.
I choose this degree because, I love to be in the kitchen all day long,
and I didn't get tired or born.
That's right I would like to study about "Food Arts".
But, I didn't want to drop my ESL classes; it is very important to me to
learn the language, it is my "personal challenge": To speak fluent English.
In general it is my biggets reason.
Wherever I want to do in this country, now or in the future, I have to speak English.
And I want to do it very well.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010



It has been: Hard difficult sad, fun, interesting, and very happy.
I came to this country long long time ago, ("16 years") my first impression was, fantastic!. Because I was travel at night time, and everywhere it was bright and beautiful, especially in Los Angeles downtown.
Compared to my town I came from it was "Unforgettable". My little town is small, and most of the streets have no lights. And very ugly downtown.
But as soon as I turned back to the normal life was, way different than I thought.

My first year living here was very hard, difficult, and sad.
I was frustrated, because my "English" was very poor. I remember I used to speak, for example; the window, the apple, the door, and thank you! That's it. Which it was nothing.
I wasn't thinking or having idea what, was waiting for me. Now my first impression was change.
First because, different culture and at that moment I didn't have any friends to who I could talk to.
I remember my first week was alone, everyone went back to work, and I stayed at home by myself.
I cried almost every single day. I couldn't went outside by myself, because I didn't
know the city. I fell that for about 6 months.
After a while I talk to one, of my aunt and told her I want to work or study English. She said "if you fell ready to be yourself outside go ahead".

I said yes and I started looking for a job. I thought it would be a problem because of the "Lang barrier", so I decided of take care kids was probably easiest, plus I can learned English. After a while I found a job, I started work as a housekeeper and babysitter, taking care of two children. That became pretty much my family, they made me feel that way.
Kids used to sleep in my bed while parents were on vacation or an single dinner.
They also took me anywhere were children want to go.
I was living in, five days per week. But when the whole family used to travel, I have to take care of the children pets they were had.

Eventually came very often for me, to stay in the house by myself for a long time.
Years later, children grew up and my progress was obvious; my English was way way better than before. I was still missing my family in Mexico but felt more comfortable about it.
I made a lot of friends, my life was 100% different. I learned a lot about culture in this country. At that time I was ready to start my own "family; husband, children". The kids I was taking care of grew up, so my job was pretty much done.
Their parents gave me an opportunity to keep working for them 2 days a week just for cleaning. And they referred me to another family, to work again as a babysitter.

During that time we were thinking to make "big change in our lives".
( I was met my husband at that time). We were planing to married and moved to another
state. ( we were living in California at that time) But it was very hard and difficult for me to decided what to do. On one hand my children on the other hand my husband and my new life.
Finally, the big day came. ( about our decision ) I had to say "Good bye" to my children. It was very very painful for me, half of my heart stayed with them for a while.

I can say many things about this experience. For example, I learned kids have to keep studying no matter if they want or not, in particular if you want to be somebody
"important" and, very "significant". During 6 longs years I had very good experiences I will never forget. ( was the time I worked for that family )
Now I have been married for about 11 years, but I still in touch with this beautiful family, especially with the girl, her name is Lindsay.
At that time, it was so hard to start my new life with out my children.
However, I can say now I have been very grateful for those "wonder fulls and unforgettable years".

Now I am more familiar with this country, I love most of the Holidays and also the traditions. For example; one of my favorite is: "Thanksgiving day".
Whole family gets together, which is the most important for everybody.
I still disagree with a few things about laws in this country. For example, the new law in Phoenix Arizona State. But beside that I am happy; "I agree we have to follow all rules the U S A have.
About food it is one of my best and important things, from this country.
You have hundreds of choices of different kinds of food, from many many countries.

The other important thing is I really liked the Education from this country.
Compared to my country, the U S A is one the best in the world about education.
You have many opportunities to study, and most of the schools have very good forms and courses for example: Computer programs, Culinary Arts, Business Administration,
Dental Assistant, Engineering, Medical Assisting, and too many more.
You can choose the most convenient school for your needs.
The other good thing I like from this country is you are free, more secure, compared to our countries. For example about mine; right now "Juarez City from Mexico is the
most dangerous in the world".
That is very scary, I can't imagine myself living with my family; husband, children, in that city.
It is scary at the moment, I didn't have any plan to travel to Mexico.

I am still having issues with people who don't like, Spanish people or any other
race beside "American White People". But I can handle if they don't bother me or affect me in my normal life.
I feel bad for them because, how sad and difficult life can be for this kind of people. Be a racist I didn't think is healthy or fun for anybody that all.
But above all those "small matters" I think, I do have beautiful and very normal life.
Finally, I can say one very good thing, I am so happy because I had been living
in this beautiful and rich country of opportunities. I promise myself 16 years ago;
"I will speak very fluent English". And I think it will be happen if I keep focused.
I am so proud to be in this country, the U S A!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Tomorrow I am going to visit my sister- in- law Lorena, and spend time with my new niece "Madeline".
I will try to give her a shower, I know it will be "fun" but is very unusual for me. After the shower, I am going to help my sister in law to take care my niece. I am going to try to put her to sleep and going to feed her by bottle. And also I am going to take pictures of my niece, I am going to use her or to pretend she is a "model baby". And I am going to change her into many different outfits.

I am going to help my sister- in- law to clean, and also to cook something healthy. She needs to eat very well because she just had my little niece, last week on Thursday.
My sister- in- law doesn't have any family close to her, so we try it to help her as much as we can. I am going to have conversation with her, about the new baby and how she feel about it.

I am will going to the store for her, and look for the new baby needs.
I 'm going to be very busy to doing that, but I am very excited about it.
It will be something new for me too. But I'm going to be happy to do it. After I done helping to my sister- in- law with my niece, I am going to go back home, to do my normal things.
I am also going to cook for my brother and my husband too. It will be interesting day for me.
I am also going to study and do some homework, I am going to practice on the Quia exercise grammar too.

After I am done studying I'm going to work in my garden, for a while such as adding water on plants and some weeding too.
I am probably going to finish my day with my husband, and enjoy a very healthy dinner ("baked chicken and steamed vegetables"), and also with garlic bread too. I'm not going to forget the delicious and favorite dessert lemon cake. Ummmm sounds good!!!!!
I am probably going to be ready to go the bed and have some rest, uuff was very busy day...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"Something I really hate" "My Pet Peeve"

Most of my life I'm very easy going person, but something I really hate is when I have to go to buy groceries at Wal-mart store.
And I have to look for parking, but you have to do it many rounds to look for it; that really makes crazy. And when you finally find one somebody else take it from you.

An other thing it really irritate me is inside the store, it is so hard to walk and look for your needs. Too many people walking around from every where that's really crazy.
And finally when you done shopping, you have to make line to pay too, long long lines. It drives nuts, it really does.

Also when I am at home with my husband, and I'm cooking I call him dinner is ready
but he ignores me. He doesn't even hearing when I am calling him, because he is watching T.V he couldn't hear.
I have to go on from of him, so he can see me and know that I have been calling him.

My other worst pet peeve is when I have to visit friends or family and I have to go the bathroom. But oh, surprise! The toilet seat has been left up, and I get to look at the splashes that were left on the rim I really hate that; it would be such a simple thing to put the seat down. what are the men thinking? Is it too hard to do this?

That's right I didn't like to going to the bathroom to any other place beside my house.
I think it is my number one pet peeve.
Now talking about it I knew I have more pet peeves but I try not to affect in my life.

Friday, July 16, 2010



My perfect day includes sleeping in on a big bed.
Drinking a big cup of coffee with a piece a bread.
Laying down in a couch in my pajamas and watching T.V.
And also eating a very healthy breakfast with my husband's company.
My perfect day also includes walking for a while
with my husband, and working hard in our garden.
Also having time to talk to my husband, and enjoying together with out argues.
My perfect day ends with a good and delicious... dinner such as "steak and big potato" and also with very sweet and, tasty chocolate cake....

Sunday, July 11, 2010



I am so happy to be back in summer class.
Learning English it has been the most important goal, for the last 5 years of my life.
Which is not easy, very difficult Language and so hard to learn. Well it is for me,
now I fell more comfortable now I could say I speak approximately 70% of the language.

But I remember my first year; it was terrible, I just to speak very little for example:
The apple, The window, the door,etc..
Which was nothing, mi first job was taking care of two children and it was very difficult for me understand a single word.

I did that for about 6 years and I learned a lot working with the children.
But it was very bad experience with out knowledge of the language.
I suffered a lot for about 2 years. But I promised myself I would learn the language. It has been so hard, because you have to work and study at the same time to have enough money for your needs and survive.

To live in this country, you pay the price, it's not the same as when lived in your country. Here you have to pay electric bills, phone, water and course rent. The otherwise you are out off the place you are living.
But besides that is very interesting, if you keep focused on what you want to learn and what you want to be in the future.
Right now I am very proud myself because, I have been learning a lot even with all those difficulties and challenges.

Friday, July 9, 2010



Wow what a beautiful day! Today we started our new summer quarter.
We have new students, from China, Ukraine, Vietnam, Somalia and from Mexico too.
Today I will write about my husband.
My husband name is Abel, he is from Mexico and I met him 11 years ago.
I met him in a dancing club in Los Angeles California; we were dancing and he told me, "I really liked you, do you want to be my girlfriend?".

I was very surprised because we were meeting for the first time.
And I told him was too fast, and he said, "I always like this. Whatever is going to happen will happen right away". But he was very specif about exactly what he want it.

"Take it or leave it", I told him. "I like you too, but is too early to say yes.
I need to know you better and see about what kind of relationship will develop".

But at that time I was planning going to Mexico, for vacation to visit my family.

He told me he couldn't wait for me, I said,"That's too bad because is no way to cancel my trip".
"Finally we reached an agreement".
So I traveled to Mexico for 3 months and he waited for me all that time.
And as soon as I back from there, we got engaged and we started living together.
After 2 years we got married and now we have been married for about 11 years.
I am so happy, he is wonderful man.
I had never been happy before till I met him.
My life change complete, now we're try it to have a baby.

My husband is a very hard worker he work as a landscaper.
He is been doing that job for about 16 years he is very good doing that job and very responsible.
I want to spend my whole life with him; he is everything to me.
I love him so much...

Monday, July 5, 2010


Hi I want to talk about my experiences, of life in America since I came from my country Mexico.
I am an immigrant. I came to the United States 16 years ago I was younger and life was less hard than today.
My first place where I was lived is Los Angeles, California.
I remember I cried for about 1 long year. Because I was missing my family so much.
But I was thought it is for a good thing.

My first job was babysitter, I started getting money, and helping my family in Mexico.
Which was my goal when I desired came to this country.
It was very sad and difficult for me living with out my family.
But the worst thing was the language, to communicate with anything you need to do it.
It's true it is the country of "The opportunities" but you suffer, have been far away from your family and friends too.

Pretty much you have to start complete new life.
The best thing,have been living in this country is, I have better economy life and I had been learning English too.
The other "worst" thing it is you have to pay for everything for example: Insurance, rent, electric bill etc...
But I am lucky to have been living in this country.
Now I understand, anything or any where you going you have to challenging your self and keep focused with your goals.