Wednesday, November 17, 2010


To: General Manager

Dear John Smith, My name is Martex and I am the perfect Chef do you have looking for.
I should be hired, because: I have experience for over 20 years working as a
professional Chef, at different kind of restaurants and Hotels.
Cooking has been one of my main interested. I graduate of Renton Technical College.
I enrolled in the School's Professional Chef's program and earned my diploma
in the Culinary Arts, with honors.

"CREATIVE" For example: Today I love to Create new recipes, and I also enjoy
cooking without recipes sometimes. I use whatever ingredients I have, and I create something new.
Most of the times I named the new recipes under my boos name.

Example: I have been working on my way as a dishwasher,waitress, busgirl,
bartender, and manager too, all while gaining valuable experience about
Culinary Arts, I also have experience as a chef cooking,
dishes from other countries wich is one of my strongest skills.

Example: Worked part-time at the school, where I graduate from.
Teaching and assisting the staff of the chef instructor, in the Food Basics
section of the Professional Programs. And helping the new students without
experience, to have a good career. Choosing a career takes time and effort.

"ORGANIZED, RESPONSIBLE,FLEXIBLE". Example: I always keep my work spot
clean, and organized I also like to have the menu ready for the next week on
the roll. Everything stock and put away all the tools we used during
busy hours. I try to show up on time on my schedule hours, I don't mind if
I have to work overtime, or on weekends, holidays. I consider myself honest
and confident. I like my present job. But I'm looking for more of a
challenge-a position where I can use my knowledge as well as my interpersonal

I look forward, for your answer and we can meet in person and discuss this soon.

Thank You Sincerely,

Martex Foundiew.

Friday, November 5, 2010



Students will attend class on time, also turn in homework all the me.

Classes could be more interesting for students.

It would increase student interest in success.

Students workload could be constantly monitored by professors and has to be

expressed in discussions.

Discussions list that can be used to ask questions and share ideas.


Students will be more interested and have more responsibilities in done with all


Schools will have better students even on Basics Studies.

Students will feel like they are getting something for their money.

The scope of Basics Studies in the major subject is 25 ECTS credits.

Students will be successful in GED preparation; in work readiness programs, and in

post-secondary education and training.

Should be smaller class sizes, and get more individual attention from our professors.

Will be easier for students to participate in class discussions.

Society should be more involve in education.


It could be better test results.

Students will have more of a sense of responsibility.

Schools also will have more profit, and those utilities can be use for better


Students are challenge to do the kind of thoughtful and interesting work expected in

a slower pace and with additional support.

In traditional courses, academic credit and grades are assigned based on students

demonstration of academic learning as measured by the instructor.

Students will success in society, in school and learning, in developing intelligence,

and in life too.

In conclusion I can say it will be good idea to have credits for Basics Studies...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


How much should people watch it? Kids should be limited?

TV is one of the most prevalent media influences in kids' lives.

On children depends on many factors for example: how much they watch, their age

and personality, whether they watch alone or with adults, and whether their parents

talk with them about what they see on TV.

To minimize the potential negative effects of television, it's important to

understand what the impact of television can be children.

Below you will find information on some areas of concern. TV has violent

programming affects children and young people.

Watching TV is an experience shared by most adults and children.

It is cheap, appealing, and within the reach of the general public. In this way,

TV has become an important mass media around the world, but sadly this resource

isn't used in a way that people could get the best possible benefits from it.

The first reason why people shouldn't watch to much television is; because the

content of many TV programs is not educational. Nowadays, we can see movies,

series, and shows that present scenes of violence, sex, and drugs too.

This has established wrong concepts among the audience that influence them

in to having a negative behaviour.

Moreover, the impact of this tendency has on children is worse, because they grow

up with the idea of a world where problems can only be solved with money and

violence, and where wars are inevitable. An other reason that people shouldn't

watch TV is, because it makes people waste time that could be used in more

beneficial activities.

For example: exercise, reading, activities that are good for a healthy lifestyle.

In fact watching TV for long periods of time has negative effect over the intelectual

development of children and leads to deterioration of the mental capacity in older

people by causing both attention and memory problems in the long term.

In conclution, people shouldn't watch too much television, because the content of

many programs are not educational, it makes people waste time that can be used in

more beneficial activities.

However, this doesn't mean that we shouldn't avoid , but we should do it with

moderation TV is a resource that we can choose the right program for our own active

life and critical attitude towards it.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Welcome to the country of the opportunities...!!!

First at all, I would like to give you some advice and warnings, to avoid your

gettting into trouble in this country...

1.- I recommend as soon as you start looking for a job you also try to find an

English school, because without English you will have to many difficulties, because

this is the country where English is spoken.

2.- Also as soon as you have time, start study the driving liscence book. And

learn all the rules of the State do you are living at. Try to follow those rules

exactly the way did you learned, them, because tickets are very very expensive!!!.

And you might not be able to afford them. I will also recommend you to get very good

car insurance, because the more legally do you drive the more problems you will


3.- Also at the time you are studying and working try to save some money to buy a

good car, it doesn't really matter if it is not brand new, but enough for you needs.

I also recommend you to buy a cell phone you might not need

it, but everyone has one.

4.- Try to make nice friends, and avoid the troublemakers, remember you are new in

this country and you don't know yet the consequences, when you do something wrong.

5.- I also recommend you, to help people such as new immigrants that way

you won't loose your mind and forget, that you are immigrant too.

6.- You will have struggle, to complete any goals that you promise your self, it will

be challenge to you to reach high, life is not easy... keep working on it...

7.- I know in fact, it is not easy, but whenever there are people around you, try to

keep very nice and beautiful smile!!!!... I mean all the time, even when they don't

return the favor. To any place do you go. In this country are "many many strange

people" too, but not like our home country. Also when they ask you anything in a

bad mood, don't really care about it and answer polite and nicely, they will be

grateful to hear that...

(you will probably make their day!)

8.- When you get invited to a any friend's house for party, try to speak politely,

and have a nice and an important conversation, about good things that do you have

been learning... And how happy do you feel, to have been in this country. (even

with all those difficuties) American people enjoy to talking to people, from other

countries, about good experiences; for example: culture about your country, or just

about the job do you are working at that moment. They also like to speak about

experiences in general life..., be very careful about the words you use to speak

with them.

In conclusion, I just want to say, try to take out all your good humans feelings do

you have and enjoy this beautiful country. Keep working hard with towards your

goals and I hope these tips can help you to have a succeesful life.

And again Welcom Welcome to the U. S. A.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010


In my experience, immigrants help each other whenever we can!!!!!

I'm complete agree about this point, I am immigrant too, and I have very good

experiences more than bad ones.

I came to the U.S. 16 years ago for vacations and, to meet some of my family I didn't

see it for a long time. I was very surprise when my family came to airport to-

pick me up, my cousins, nieces some of them don't know me only by pictures.

Brought me some presents; like flowers, animal stuff and welcome cards, that made

turned on tears. So I was very happy and thinking that my stay in the U. S. will be

very good experience. (was UNFORGETTABLE day)

I have to be honest myself and said, all this time I have been living in the U. S.,

I did help immigrants and vice versa. For example: I remember the first time do I

have to aboard in the bus, but I didn't have idea how to do it and a very good

person, came to me and asked if I need any help?, and I told him yes; this is my

first time and I have no idea how? he told me don't worry I will teach you.

He explain me everything about routes I supposed to take. I couldn't forgot that

day. Been an immigrant is not barrier as long as we can help each other. We have to

help each other out, because sometimes we can't do it by our self.

I always willing to lend a helping hand to help each other succeed, I remember five

years ago I used to go to beauty school, but for some reason I never graduate.

I quit, but during those classes I met a very good girlfriend who followed her

dreams (graduate from beauty school). She is very positive person, I remember she

used to told me Martha; you have to be sure what exactly do you want for your

future don't expend your time for nothing, if you don't like this profession

look for something, that can be very interesting for your self. ( I think she was

right, because I quit) When were used to talk I told her, that she needs to learn

English too at the same time, because you will need it for your profession and,

because this is America; where English is spoken...

I want to say I am so proud about her, because after she got graduate she started

working for somebody else, but she was saving money to have her own place. Two

years later finally she opened her own business.

And now she has five different places; I still can't believed.

Now, when I talk to her, she say Martha you shouldn't quit, (I am thinking she was

right about me) that I didn't like her profession, but I'm follow her advice

too and, I'm sure I will be succeed like her, because now she is a good example for

me. We can work together to solve problems, find each other after drastic changes

in our lives, works here and the extent they're willing to whatever come.

We don't give up on each other. Making new friends, laughing, learning and creating

better forms of life.

Being human is helping other people, for our own richness; share our sadness, in

this way, we can hope to see as many people as possible together and overcome.

However, focusing on helping others feel good is actually a wonderful way!!!!

When you help other people get better, you naturally and automatically learn the way

to enrich your spiritual health, growth and development our sensibility of feelings.

Monday, October 11, 2010




A college professor takes in a dog he finds abandoned, and both find their lives changed forever as they form an unbreakable loyalty to his master.

The true history of friendship between the dog Hachiko and his owner is a legend
among Japanese, a pet-loving nation that honors self-sacrificing loyalty.
Hatchiko used to wait every single day at the train station for its owner, a professor at the University of Tokyo.
Even for decade after the professor died. People were so moved they built a statue of Hachiko, at the station train.
Now a popular spot the history of Hachiko, who himself died in 1935, was made into a 1987 Japanese movie.

As soon as I started watching the movie I fell in love with Hachi.
What a faithful and loyalty dog. This miraculous history made me a big impression about, how much love you can have from dogs or any kind of animals. If you like to have a pet in your house and adopt as your family you will be blessed to enjoy a beautiful company in your heart and in your house too.
I have to be honest, I may not have the right word to describe this wonderful dog history. I can say loyalty, faithfulness and unconditional love, I have to admit that any human couldn't give that kind of unconditional love and be loyalty like Hachi. Those qualities that have earned dogs the title "MANS BEST FRIEND".

Hachi was inseparable friend right away from the start, each day; for example Hachi, used to accompanied his owner to the train station, when his owner have to left for work, was a happiness routine for Hachi who return at the same time every single day and wait for his owner patiently, with tail waging.
The routine continued until one tragic day his owner died before, he couldn't return home. At that time Hachi was less than 2 years old, but the big love between Hachi and his owner was strong. Hachi was continued waiting for his owner each single day at the train station. That is unbelievable love.

Now I have to say, after I watched the movie I became a dog lover!!!!
I promise myself I will be more friendly, compassionate and patient too, with dogs, cats and any pet in the world. The movie taught me a lesson about life: how much love you can have from dogs or any animal.
Finally Hachi died at the same spot he last saw his best friend alive.
( what a sad momentit was for Hachi)

I feel very honor about Hachi and I admire him who was a warm and wonderful canine!!!

I still crying when I remembering Hachi's experience how painful was for him, I can feel his pain...

My heart is broken in many pieces...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I am consider myself a night person, but I think I am a combination of both.

For example: in the mornings; I like to wake up early, if the day is bright and sunny, make feel I will have a wonderful and productive day.
I can walk for a while to get some energy and start my long day. Come back home and drink cup of coffee and eat light breakfast. After that start working in my garden doing some weeding and mow the lawn I really like to do that.

After finishing I go back in the house and do some cleaning too, for example: laundry, vacuum, wash the dishes and cook too.
After all that, I can plan my next day schedule and my goals, because I don't know if I will be able to get off early the next day.

In the mornings I also enjoy visit friends, and going to the mall to look for a good deals. But sometimes I hate the mornings, because there is so much noise, you can't even read a book or watch TV, because too many activities everywhere I know it is morning what do I expect?. This is what everyone is supposed to do.

Nighttime: as soon as it gets dark I feel like I going to my "real world". Its peaceful, and quiet, all the houses, buildings, parks are beautiful looking! With all the lights on, I feel it is Christmas, I really enjoy looking at the lights all over the place.
I also enjoy driving at night. All the roads clear, you noted how big, and how many lanes the freeway has, which is something you can't see in the morning.

I also like to see the moon in the sky, when there is a full moon, what a romantic view I love it!. It really impresses me.
Nighttime it is very special for me, because the darkness make me feel strong and full a happiness. I feel very relaxed and calm ready to enjoy my activities.
Sometimes I go out with my friends to dance or just go to see a movie. I also spend night times with my husband, watching TV or going out to dance and dinner too. I think nighttime has better TV programs for adults, for example: action movies, FBI series.

I am fanatic about watching the Discovery channel about cold cases. And of course computer time, I enjoy to chat with my friends, check my e-mails, play on face book, which is something new for me, but I really enjoy it, I also do my homework at night.

So I can say I am a night person!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I am so happy to be a women, but there are so many things to do I am disappointed.
For example: men have to work hard, but we have to work hard too, but unlike them,
our work doesn't stop when we get home.
We have to cook, clean and also take care of children.
Most of the times women have do everything. And when the men get home, they are "tired, and hungry", they don't even ask, "How are you honey?, and how my children doing?", it is anything do I can help you with"?. For instance they ask what do you do all day?. That's no fair; they not even noticed our house is clean, dinner ready, children and mom waiting for him with a beautiful smile. But daddy is not happy!!!, and he doesn't want anyone to "disturb him", he wants to rest and relax, and of course he needs the TV control.

And I ask myself, "Who thinks about mom?", is she tired?, who cares about her?.
Will somebody help her?, or is she a superhuman!, whoever gets tired?.
I wish one day men could stay home, and do all mommy's job, at least one day, and see if it is simple, and easy to do it by themselves.
And after that they may value mommy's effort.
In fact man don't like to do that kind of things, they hate to do it, I can say most of them hate it.

I have been asking to my family man, what do they like?. And what do they hate? to be a men, and they said; First they like we cook for them, we clean too. Their so proud to be a men because; we were been doing everything for them for many many years.
And they said it is not enough, we should work for them too, and pay everything.
(I prefer not to do any "comments") They made me got really angry!!!
But, however I love to be a women even with all those negatives "things and reasons".(If we can call that) Most of my life I have been admired, all women in the world.
In particular, those women who were suffered domestic violence.
They are strongest, and they faith for our rights. Also they protect them children, and give battle to bad things can happen to them.

I am so proud to be a woman, even when a men think, we born to serve them. I love cook, clean, and take care of anything about my house and, to my husband too. Because he is with different thoughts. He grew up with single MOM.
Who had feed 7 children by herself, so he knows how hard women work, and he really appreciates, and admire his MOM.
So in fact, my husband know women is the "best in the world", he respects every single women, and values the effort from his mom. That's right I love my husband he has beautiful feelings about "WOMEN".
It is the result of having of wonderful MOM.
I ask myself why it is only one day to celebrate "Mothers day"?, we should celebrate and to thank every single day....

Friday, July 30, 2010



First of all, I will be probably less overweight than today, I am on a diet right now, and I also doing more exercise. Because I know it will be better for my health.
My reason number one, to loose weight is to be pregnant.
I am very interested in having a baby.
At least one, especially because life right now, is too expensive and difficult,
and you need to spend time and give a lot love.
I am almost forty years old, but I think it is the perfect time to be a "MOM".
I feel ready for that. And we also planning to going back to Mexico, to visit and spend some time with my parents and my mother- in- law.
And have time for myself and for my husband too. We are in the process to buy our own house, so probably it will be a perfect time for that.
But, we don't want to stay that much long, just enough time.
Because we will back to the U S A and continuing with our normal life.


I may be working so hard, to pay my school, and maybe for a while.
And my other reason is, as soon as I get a degree, I am going to open my own business.
It is my goal number two, I hope it comes true.
I know it will be hard to save that much money and keep it, for my dream;
to "have my own restaurant" .
I know it is not going to be easy, but I am going to be focused.
It will be near the beach.
I am going to add in the menu " Mexican food " but my main idea is to sell seafood.
I know in fact it will be a very big investment ( about money )
and probably a lot time too.
But, I will be very happy when my restaurant gets ready.


Well right now, I am studying ESL and I am in level six;
my goal is to get a degree or graduate.
However, I think the best level of education you have, it will be good for future; "including personal and occupational". I wish to one day become a professional chef, but for the moment I want to keep with the ESL classes.
Also I am interested in studying " Culinary Arts", and " Baking Arts" too.
I choose this degree because, I love to be in the kitchen all day long,
and I didn't get tired or born.
That's right I would like to study about "Food Arts".
But, I didn't want to drop my ESL classes; it is very important to me to
learn the language, it is my "personal challenge": To speak fluent English.
In general it is my biggets reason.
Wherever I want to do in this country, now or in the future, I have to speak English.
And I want to do it very well.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010



It has been: Hard difficult sad, fun, interesting, and very happy.
I came to this country long long time ago, ("16 years") my first impression was, fantastic!. Because I was travel at night time, and everywhere it was bright and beautiful, especially in Los Angeles downtown.
Compared to my town I came from it was "Unforgettable". My little town is small, and most of the streets have no lights. And very ugly downtown.
But as soon as I turned back to the normal life was, way different than I thought.

My first year living here was very hard, difficult, and sad.
I was frustrated, because my "English" was very poor. I remember I used to speak, for example; the window, the apple, the door, and thank you! That's it. Which it was nothing.
I wasn't thinking or having idea what, was waiting for me. Now my first impression was change.
First because, different culture and at that moment I didn't have any friends to who I could talk to.
I remember my first week was alone, everyone went back to work, and I stayed at home by myself.
I cried almost every single day. I couldn't went outside by myself, because I didn't
know the city. I fell that for about 6 months.
After a while I talk to one, of my aunt and told her I want to work or study English. She said "if you fell ready to be yourself outside go ahead".

I said yes and I started looking for a job. I thought it would be a problem because of the "Lang barrier", so I decided of take care kids was probably easiest, plus I can learned English. After a while I found a job, I started work as a housekeeper and babysitter, taking care of two children. That became pretty much my family, they made me feel that way.
Kids used to sleep in my bed while parents were on vacation or an single dinner.
They also took me anywhere were children want to go.
I was living in, five days per week. But when the whole family used to travel, I have to take care of the children pets they were had.

Eventually came very often for me, to stay in the house by myself for a long time.
Years later, children grew up and my progress was obvious; my English was way way better than before. I was still missing my family in Mexico but felt more comfortable about it.
I made a lot of friends, my life was 100% different. I learned a lot about culture in this country. At that time I was ready to start my own "family; husband, children". The kids I was taking care of grew up, so my job was pretty much done.
Their parents gave me an opportunity to keep working for them 2 days a week just for cleaning. And they referred me to another family, to work again as a babysitter.

During that time we were thinking to make "big change in our lives".
( I was met my husband at that time). We were planing to married and moved to another
state. ( we were living in California at that time) But it was very hard and difficult for me to decided what to do. On one hand my children on the other hand my husband and my new life.
Finally, the big day came. ( about our decision ) I had to say "Good bye" to my children. It was very very painful for me, half of my heart stayed with them for a while.

I can say many things about this experience. For example, I learned kids have to keep studying no matter if they want or not, in particular if you want to be somebody
"important" and, very "significant". During 6 longs years I had very good experiences I will never forget. ( was the time I worked for that family )
Now I have been married for about 11 years, but I still in touch with this beautiful family, especially with the girl, her name is Lindsay.
At that time, it was so hard to start my new life with out my children.
However, I can say now I have been very grateful for those "wonder fulls and unforgettable years".

Now I am more familiar with this country, I love most of the Holidays and also the traditions. For example; one of my favorite is: "Thanksgiving day".
Whole family gets together, which is the most important for everybody.
I still disagree with a few things about laws in this country. For example, the new law in Phoenix Arizona State. But beside that I am happy; "I agree we have to follow all rules the U S A have.
About food it is one of my best and important things, from this country.
You have hundreds of choices of different kinds of food, from many many countries.

The other important thing is I really liked the Education from this country.
Compared to my country, the U S A is one the best in the world about education.
You have many opportunities to study, and most of the schools have very good forms and courses for example: Computer programs, Culinary Arts, Business Administration,
Dental Assistant, Engineering, Medical Assisting, and too many more.
You can choose the most convenient school for your needs.
The other good thing I like from this country is you are free, more secure, compared to our countries. For example about mine; right now "Juarez City from Mexico is the
most dangerous in the world".
That is very scary, I can't imagine myself living with my family; husband, children, in that city.
It is scary at the moment, I didn't have any plan to travel to Mexico.

I am still having issues with people who don't like, Spanish people or any other
race beside "American White People". But I can handle if they don't bother me or affect me in my normal life.
I feel bad for them because, how sad and difficult life can be for this kind of people. Be a racist I didn't think is healthy or fun for anybody that all.
But above all those "small matters" I think, I do have beautiful and very normal life.
Finally, I can say one very good thing, I am so happy because I had been living
in this beautiful and rich country of opportunities. I promise myself 16 years ago;
"I will speak very fluent English". And I think it will be happen if I keep focused.
I am so proud to be in this country, the U S A!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Tomorrow I am going to visit my sister- in- law Lorena, and spend time with my new niece "Madeline".
I will try to give her a shower, I know it will be "fun" but is very unusual for me. After the shower, I am going to help my sister in law to take care my niece. I am going to try to put her to sleep and going to feed her by bottle. And also I am going to take pictures of my niece, I am going to use her or to pretend she is a "model baby". And I am going to change her into many different outfits.

I am going to help my sister- in- law to clean, and also to cook something healthy. She needs to eat very well because she just had my little niece, last week on Thursday.
My sister- in- law doesn't have any family close to her, so we try it to help her as much as we can. I am going to have conversation with her, about the new baby and how she feel about it.

I am will going to the store for her, and look for the new baby needs.
I 'm going to be very busy to doing that, but I am very excited about it.
It will be something new for me too. But I'm going to be happy to do it. After I done helping to my sister- in- law with my niece, I am going to go back home, to do my normal things.
I am also going to cook for my brother and my husband too. It will be interesting day for me.
I am also going to study and do some homework, I am going to practice on the Quia exercise grammar too.

After I am done studying I'm going to work in my garden, for a while such as adding water on plants and some weeding too.
I am probably going to finish my day with my husband, and enjoy a very healthy dinner ("baked chicken and steamed vegetables"), and also with garlic bread too. I'm not going to forget the delicious and favorite dessert lemon cake. Ummmm sounds good!!!!!
I am probably going to be ready to go the bed and have some rest, uuff was very busy day...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"Something I really hate" "My Pet Peeve"

Most of my life I'm very easy going person, but something I really hate is when I have to go to buy groceries at Wal-mart store.
And I have to look for parking, but you have to do it many rounds to look for it; that really makes crazy. And when you finally find one somebody else take it from you.

An other thing it really irritate me is inside the store, it is so hard to walk and look for your needs. Too many people walking around from every where that's really crazy.
And finally when you done shopping, you have to make line to pay too, long long lines. It drives nuts, it really does.

Also when I am at home with my husband, and I'm cooking I call him dinner is ready
but he ignores me. He doesn't even hearing when I am calling him, because he is watching T.V he couldn't hear.
I have to go on from of him, so he can see me and know that I have been calling him.

My other worst pet peeve is when I have to visit friends or family and I have to go the bathroom. But oh, surprise! The toilet seat has been left up, and I get to look at the splashes that were left on the rim I really hate that; it would be such a simple thing to put the seat down. what are the men thinking? Is it too hard to do this?

That's right I didn't like to going to the bathroom to any other place beside my house.
I think it is my number one pet peeve.
Now talking about it I knew I have more pet peeves but I try not to affect in my life.

Friday, July 16, 2010



My perfect day includes sleeping in on a big bed.
Drinking a big cup of coffee with a piece a bread.
Laying down in a couch in my pajamas and watching T.V.
And also eating a very healthy breakfast with my husband's company.
My perfect day also includes walking for a while
with my husband, and working hard in our garden.
Also having time to talk to my husband, and enjoying together with out argues.
My perfect day ends with a good and delicious... dinner such as "steak and big potato" and also with very sweet and, tasty chocolate cake....

Sunday, July 11, 2010



I am so happy to be back in summer class.
Learning English it has been the most important goal, for the last 5 years of my life.
Which is not easy, very difficult Language and so hard to learn. Well it is for me,
now I fell more comfortable now I could say I speak approximately 70% of the language.

But I remember my first year; it was terrible, I just to speak very little for example:
The apple, The window, the door,etc..
Which was nothing, mi first job was taking care of two children and it was very difficult for me understand a single word.

I did that for about 6 years and I learned a lot working with the children.
But it was very bad experience with out knowledge of the language.
I suffered a lot for about 2 years. But I promised myself I would learn the language. It has been so hard, because you have to work and study at the same time to have enough money for your needs and survive.

To live in this country, you pay the price, it's not the same as when lived in your country. Here you have to pay electric bills, phone, water and course rent. The otherwise you are out off the place you are living.
But besides that is very interesting, if you keep focused on what you want to learn and what you want to be in the future.
Right now I am very proud myself because, I have been learning a lot even with all those difficulties and challenges.

Friday, July 9, 2010



Wow what a beautiful day! Today we started our new summer quarter.
We have new students, from China, Ukraine, Vietnam, Somalia and from Mexico too.
Today I will write about my husband.
My husband name is Abel, he is from Mexico and I met him 11 years ago.
I met him in a dancing club in Los Angeles California; we were dancing and he told me, "I really liked you, do you want to be my girlfriend?".

I was very surprised because we were meeting for the first time.
And I told him was too fast, and he said, "I always like this. Whatever is going to happen will happen right away". But he was very specif about exactly what he want it.

"Take it or leave it", I told him. "I like you too, but is too early to say yes.
I need to know you better and see about what kind of relationship will develop".

But at that time I was planning going to Mexico, for vacation to visit my family.

He told me he couldn't wait for me, I said,"That's too bad because is no way to cancel my trip".
"Finally we reached an agreement".
So I traveled to Mexico for 3 months and he waited for me all that time.
And as soon as I back from there, we got engaged and we started living together.
After 2 years we got married and now we have been married for about 11 years.
I am so happy, he is wonderful man.
I had never been happy before till I met him.
My life change complete, now we're try it to have a baby.

My husband is a very hard worker he work as a landscaper.
He is been doing that job for about 16 years he is very good doing that job and very responsible.
I want to spend my whole life with him; he is everything to me.
I love him so much...

Monday, July 5, 2010


Hi I want to talk about my experiences, of life in America since I came from my country Mexico.
I am an immigrant. I came to the United States 16 years ago I was younger and life was less hard than today.
My first place where I was lived is Los Angeles, California.
I remember I cried for about 1 long year. Because I was missing my family so much.
But I was thought it is for a good thing.

My first job was babysitter, I started getting money, and helping my family in Mexico.
Which was my goal when I desired came to this country.
It was very sad and difficult for me living with out my family.
But the worst thing was the language, to communicate with anything you need to do it.
It's true it is the country of "The opportunities" but you suffer, have been far away from your family and friends too.

Pretty much you have to start complete new life.
The best thing,have been living in this country is, I have better economy life and I had been learning English too.
The other "worst" thing it is you have to pay for everything for example: Insurance, rent, electric bill etc...
But I am lucky to have been living in this country.
Now I understand, anything or any where you going you have to challenging your self and keep focused with your goals.

Friday, June 18, 2010


I have few different places I like. But the number one is my bed.
I have very comfortable bed, I can relax and rest too.
I really like my bed, when I lay down I am very happily enjoying this place.
Its very soft and comforting, makes me want to stay resting longer.
My bed is like a magic carpet I can't resist sleeping or resting, because
it's so nice. It beckons to me, "Come here!..... I'm waiting!" What can I say? Who can resist a bed that talks like this?

It reminds me that I can be in a beautiful dream, fly on the clouds non stop.
Beautiful dreams that I don't want to wake up from. I want to keep dreaming uhmmmummuhm.....

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I have been missing many members of my family. My dad has 4 brothers and 1 sister.
My aunt has 5 children, 3 boys and 2 girls. 2 months ago her older son was involve in car accident.
He survive from the accident, but when he was in the hospital he suffer heart attack
and he died instantly.
My auntie was very sad and the whole family too, he left 4 children and his wife.
My dad and all his brothers took a decision.
To sent my aunt to travel, it was catholic short vacations. She agree but when she was there,
she wasn't happy she was all the time sad and cried so much.
And during the first days everything was normal, but the third day we got an other bad news.

Her youngest son was died too. He suffer fulminate stroke;
they try it to reviver him but was impossible he was dead already.
Now we have to figure out how to tell my aunt.
About her other son was death, nobody wants to do it but we have to.
It was very sad, hard, sadly, painful but finally they did it. (my dad, my uncle and her other son)
My mom said parents never wait to see our own kids die,
we thing kids have to feel that pain.
Now my auntie is on very bad depress she cried all the time, she still can't believe
it in less then 3 months she lost 2 sons.

My whole family is devastate, we try to forget and keep going with our normal life.
But on Saturday afternoon we got an other bad news; this happen in California.

My cousin Alida was died in the morning,
when she was brushed her teeth.
She started cuffing too strong and she felt, they called to the emergency line (911)
and they took her to the hospital. But the doctors said it was late.
She was dead already, she died at the moment she felt, she suffer fulminate brain stroke,
this is very painful for me. Because, she was the first person helped me on my first year in the U S.
She was very nice person, very happiness girl and also very active person
We used to called her: "mother of the immigrants".

She was very helpful for each people we came from Mexico, we out money, work, place to live or even family I really miss her.
I know when somebody die is nothing you can do it. All I been doing for her is pray
and ask God why good people die? Why in general we have to die, I am sad and depress
I try no to, but is so hard.
Sorry Liz I didn't do it any homework. Because I am not inspired.
I am writing right now because it really help me to take out all my sadness and pain...

Sunday, May 30, 2010


My blood type is O Negative,and is been calling Universe Type. O is most compatible with O, and AB.

Type Os:
Are outgoing, and very social. They are initiators, although they don't always finish what they start.
They are creative and popular, they don't love to be the center of the attention and
appear very self confident.

I don't think, I match with my type of blood.
I am easygoing person and social, but when ever I start something I done whit it.
I love to be the center of the attention, I love to challenging my self
nothing scare me and I don't know why but I am popular I fell that way.
I am very confident so you can trust on me. I am very creative that's right I am interested in crafts, take out all my ideas.

Mi zodiacal say I am fire sign, optimist, spontaneous, and philosophic.
Also I am strong personality means if I decide to do something I keep it focus to complete and keep going to the next step.
I am exited person with everything around my life,
I enjoy so much have a lot friends, even when they are from different
nationalities its very interesting, talk about our cultures.
So now I know its not true your personality it have to be with you type of blood.
That is only a mhyt.

Friday, May 21, 2010


Letter to the President Obama

I am an immigrant from Mexico. I have lived in the US 16 years.
I am a full time ESL student at Renton Technical College.
I hope one day top get a degree.
My dream is to be a Citizen.
I love America because of freedom.
I came to America to have better oportunity to study and live.
I am writing to ask you to support immigration reform.
Immogrants are what this country is made of.
We need reform to allow the immigrants who are living inthe US to be able to live here in peace, and to have a reasonable pathway to becoming citizens.
I am glad that Seattle is a santuary city for immigrants. But the need for a better pathway to citizenship still remains.
This is an issue that needs to be adressed immidiately .
I hope very much that attention is paid to this matter.
I- and over 12 millions other imigrants- will be very grateful to you for taking concrete steps towards immigration reform.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Why I want to get a GED?

1.- First because I like to challenging my self.
2.- And I want to have better education for future life.
3.- But the biggest interesting to speak very fluent English.

My dream job.

1.- If I have the possibility it will be chef or craft person.
2.- My dream is be a professional chef and use all the skills I've been hiding for a long time.
3.- I can be in the kitchen all day long and I don't get born or tired, like most people do.

Education in the US.

1.- I think United States it is one the biggest countries with very good education programs.
2.- And also government has a lot help for people who is low income.
3.- The other good thing is computer programs, it will be the future jobs and a lot people still don't know about computers skills.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


My Favorite place is my house.

First of all, it is huge, quite and nice.
The tree bedroom, and large yard invite me to do it something-
Secondly the beautiful garden it's the best place to rest and relax.
If I fell stress or tired, with just spend short time it makes me-
fell better and forget I am stress.
Finally there is the best place I never been lived.


My favorite dessert is chocolate cake.

First of all, it is lovely to see it.
The creamy and chunky dark chocolaate, adorned with coconut flakes.

Secondaly the real taste of Chocolate it is the best in the world.
Soft and creamy, melts on my lips, without resistance and tell me, eat
me everytime I see it.

Finally there is the best taste I never had.
With very strong flavor of cocoa, who needs Apple Pie when is Chocolate cake.

Friday, April 23, 2010

"Busy Week"

I been very busy all this week. I am student at Lake Washington Technical College.
I have classes two days for week. But I have a lot homework to do.
I like that but is kind of tie for me. And my other problem is I have additional class on Fridays, at Renton Technical College.
Is been so tie for me, to have both classes. Course I'm enjoying, is my goal to one day graduate.

I really want to improve my English, I still have problems with punctuation, vocabulary, writing, spilling and course speaking.
But I know one day I will speak very fluent English it is my biggest goal.
That's right I will keep going with the plans I have.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

"New Blog"

Hello everyone, I just made my new blog, was very interesting follow step by step. I was kind of nervous because is been so long, since we maded the first one with Liz.
Like year a go and I wasn't sure if I can do it by my self.
But I am surprise my self I did it, maybe is not big deal for other people.
But it was for me.

Well this weekend is been very busy for me, started on last Friday after I got off from school I went visited the place, I just to worked. My friends and my ex-boss were there. It was very weird been on that place with out uniform I used to whore, but the soon I looked to my friends working; I was felt kind of familiar from that place.
It was very nice and fun to see it all of them again.
I also went to visited my neighbor from the place I was living. My neighbor name is Rosie, she is very nice and friendly. I spent around 2 hrs over her place with all her family, she has two children boy and a girl.

She cooked for me, I was very surprise for that. But she made me happy.
Food was very good. ( Enchiladas )...
After I ate I went back home. Was very tired ready to go the bed.

Saturday I went back to Renton again, to do my nails and my hair.
It was very fun because I saw many friends I wasn't see it for a while.
After Marisol done my hair we went to the mall with 2 of my friends.
I told one of them I was looking for a housewares and we went to Macy's store. And were looked out for it, but I found one was very expensive. So we went to Penney's and check out for prices and quality.

It was so hard and difficult to decide which one, their was so many choices. And finally I decide it for a 10 pieces cookware, I spent a lot money but I bought what I was looking for. Was a long day, I was ready to going the bed.

On Sunday I woke up very early to going to the church, it was my niece Kelly's first communion she is 7 years old. She was wearing beautiful white dress, we took a lot pictures to her and the whole family.

After that we went to very nice Chinese restaurant buffet. Oh my we ate a lot!!!
We desired going to place for a walk, we went to wonderful park which is situate at Kirkland city. The park has a huge walk trail and also big area for children to play
it was so fun day. This park is been Juanita's area, I never been there before I will be back sooner, is so beautiful and nice, perfect for rest.

Finally we back home I was so excited to talk to my husband about it.
It is very important to have this kind of days and precious moments with your family
once in a while it makes a lot difference to your life. I really like to do it reach my soul, and make me happy. You should do it too.